An alarm sounds.
I woke up to a piercing ring that reverberated from the darkness of my room. All was dark except for the now glaringly bright screen of my phone that sat on the table across my bed.
It’s so loud.
I got up and walked to my phone. Picking it up I immediately turned off the alarm. It was, however, the first of many alarms that I’ve set up for my morning routine. The time on my phone was 3:30 AM. In a way, it was a subtle reminder for myself to get ready to get up an hour and a half before I start preparing for work.
I switch my phone off, and after doing so, I went back to my bed to sleep again. This time with my phone in hand. And as soon as I had closed my eyes, another alarm breaks out.
4 AM alarm.
I had barely closed my eyes, and it’s already four in the morning. A little strange, yet extremely annoying that 30 minutes had already passed. I checked my phone again, almost blinded by the glaring light. I squinted at the clock on my phone.
It’s 4 AM.
Irritated by this, I immediately shut off the alarm and went back to sleep. In a way, at least my alarm works and that’s just the second alarm for the morning. I’ve closed my eyes, and slowly drifted into my power nap.
My alarm broke out again.
The 4:30 alarm.
I swore under my breath, annoyed that I didn’t get to feel the comfort of my cold bed as I slept back. I searched for my phone from under my pillow.
The 4:30 alarm.
I found my phone, but the screen wasn’t on. I clicked on the button on the side to check if it was working and, being blinded by the bright light again, I squinted at the screen.
It’s 4 AM.
It’s 4 AM.
The alarm icon wasn’t popping up.
It’s 4 AM.
My eyes adjusted to the clock on my phone. The time was still 4 AM.
The alarm grew louder.
My eyes darted across the dark room; my heart started pumping out as the panic began to settle in. Darkness creeped in, and the noise never ceased. The alarm I heard became increasingly distorted, and hellish. It felt like hearing nails on a blackboard, it felt like hearing Styrofoam on cardboard. It was a cacophony of uncomfortable noises, paired with the beating of my heart. My eyes went from one corner of my room to another. I wanted to run, but I cannot move. The discomfort and anxiety as I looked for the source of the sound enveloped my mind. I can’t breathe.
And not knowing where to look anymore, I quickly turned on the flashlight on my phone.
The discord stops.
There’s nothing there.
I leave the flashlight on and checked my floor.
Still nothing there.
I looked outside, and noticed the sunlight was beginning to fill the sky and saw a silhouette of a tall air raid siren at a distance.
I breathed a sigh of relief; the night was finally over.
It’s just strange, however…
… I don’t remember seeing an air raid siren outside my home.